Look for the Food Donation Box beneath the Fleetwood Digital Sign to the Left of the Driveway
When you come to enjoy the light show until December 31st, if you can, please consider donating for this year’s Holiday Food Drive benefitting the Rockaway Food Closet for Rockaway Area Residents.
Good Items to bring are:
- Mac & Cheese
- Pasta
- Jarred Sauces
- Cereal
- Rice
- Beans
- Canned Tuna
- Canned Soup
- Canned Meat
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Vegetables
- Peanut Butter
- Applesauce
- Coffee / Tea
Thanks so much for your generosity!
~Fleetwood Lights
For More Information About Donations, visit the Rockaway Food Closet Website
I came but didn’t bring a donation and want to donate online. Do you accept venmo? This was amazing
Our apologies for the late response – we do not have venmo setup for donations, but if you would like to venmo me personally, I will add it to the cash donations that have been received to date. My venmo is @miuliani (4999) and just add a note for Rockaway Food Closet donation.
Thank you,
Fleetwood Lights